XMR Editor allows adding tracks and cars to the game.
You can import any 3d model (whole track/car or single object like tree, house, driver body, tire etc) from 3ds Max. You can also create your own track without 3ds Max.
Tracks and cars are saved in a variety of ways.
File types.
.tdo – single or some objects of track/car/object.
.wld – world project that contains system info about a scene.
.we – world environment that contains all materials, markers, cameras, lines, system information etc.
.trc – texture packet. All textures must be as .tga files.
.mtl – materials of scene/car that can be imported/exported.
.mss – markers of scene/car that can be imported/exported.
A typical algorithm of track making:
1. Creating 3d model with textures in 3ds Max, but without materials. XMR editor uses its own material system. Make sure that a track has a natural size, where 1 meter = 1 meter.
2. Each object can contains only one texture to improve performance of the game engine.
3. Exporting a track from 3ds Max as .tdo to XMR Editor with export plug-in (can be found in ..XMREd\3dmax_export_plugin folder).
4. Converting from a single .tdo file to a track project.
5. Inserting additional objects like trees, stones etc.
6. Adjustment of graphics materials.
7. Specify physics properties to all objects and polygons.
8. Lighting and shadowing.
9. Creating of starting grid.
10. Checking for the Null Objects (in the menu->Tools->CheckForNullObject) and delete them (with the key Del or from the context menu->Delete).
11. Exporting to the game.